Sunday, April 28, 2013

Camping Trial Run & Lessons Learned

Is it just me or does life get extra crazy when you are trying to prepare for a trip of any kind? My best efforts to plan ahead are thwarted at every turn.  Our first camping trip with the camper was no different. To say that we forgot a couple of things would be an understatement, and yes, I did make a list.

The Game plan: Hubby would go early with all the boys and I would run to the store for our last minute items.  Good plan.  By the time I finished he would have most everything set up.

Upon arrival I bring in all the cooler items.  We both stand before our camper fridge. "I guess we should turn this on now", he says.

"Yeah. How long does it take to get cool?", I ask.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure". Let me call our camper source."

 Hours. It takes hours.  We had no ice as of yet.  Another store run with the whole family.

Dinner time. I felt so discombobulated that I had trouble figuring out what we would eat.  Tacos. We had pinto beans, chicken, lettuce, etc. Tacos would be our first meal.  Now where did I put the tablecloth? Yup, you guessed it. Forgotten.  After digging around in the camper I found the set of curtains that went with the sheets someone had given us for our home away from home.

Like my pineapple centerpiece? Are you awed by how multi-functional it is? Curtain/tablecloth weight. Pretty to look at. Breakfast for tomorrow. My flighty, unprepared ways are teaching me to be a pro at using what we have on hand.

For a little insight into the Rowdy lifestyle, here is a comparison of our dining table at home verses the picnic table...To left we have the Rowdy Camping Table and pictured below is our Rowdy Round Table.  How ironic that I wanted to complain about my inability to reach the little guys without getting up.  However, I won't lie and say that a little more elbow space was nice.  We may have to go camping more often, huh? :)

Keeping each other close, literally and figuratively. :)

I think we bored Collin

Water: Of course it wouldn't be a camping trip for these boys (dad included) if we didn't go hit the lake to fish and get some, if not all, body parts wet. It was a pretty day with a lingering spring chill, but why would that stop them from acting like it's summer and wanting to swim?? I went back to straighten up the camper, or maybe to take a nap. No sense in putting myself in any danger of getting wet.

Fish Got Your TOES!!

Hey. You know what I really to like to have in the mornings when I first get up? Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. I shuffled as quietly as I could and turned on our stove to get our prepped coffee going. After what seemed like many, many minutes the water began to boil. My brain tingled in anticipation. Caffeine was coming. Pour. Add fixings.  Sit and get comfortable. Sip and - SPEW!!! It tasted like I just poured coffee straight from the water hose. Ewwww.  Another lesson learned. We will use bottled water next time.  Eck.  Time to start over.

The Camping Percolator 

Rain. Then came the deluge. Okay, maybe not a deluge but it did rain quite a bit. In between those rain showers we would hurry out of the camper and get the big boys out on their bikes to ride, while the rest of us walked. There would be no grilling outside that night.  What a great opportunity to test out all the kitchen appliances!

Hams & Hots, Sugar snap peas, Corn, Mango and Carrots
Yes, we will be dining in this evening...
That evening turned out to be very nice. We had popcorn and watched a movie together. Although this was definitely a trial run, the boys loved every moment. And me? Well, I guess I have to admit I had fun too. One of my biggest concerns turned out to be no concern at all. Would I sleep? Yup. I slept like a log each night. Sweet dreams.

Lessons Learned
  • 1. Turn on the fridge the night before leaving to get it cooled.
  • 2.  Take the camper keys with you so you are not locked out.
  • 3.  Realize that a family of 6 can fill your water tank pretty quick! Who wants to hear, "Mom! There is water coming up into the bathtub!"?
  • 4. Be prepared for rain. 
  • 5. Use FRESH, bottled water for coffee.
  • 6. Answer your phone if you are expecting a guest to come and visit (Mother). 
  • 7. Chill out, be patient with each other and make great memories!!!

Memories Made
Some of you have already sent me some great suggestions for the next trip that I cannot wait to put into practice and share with the rest of the blog world! Anyone have any camping adventures to share?


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