
Monday, September 4, 2017

New Denim & TBB Asks Back-To-School Edition!

Hello! Happy Labor Day Weekend! For some this means it's back to school time, but for those of us in the South, we just welcome a break from the FOUR weeks already invested in school life! Just the same,  I am happily joining some of my blogger friends in this special Back-To-School Edition with the TBB blogger group. 

In addition, I thought it would be a great time to share my second and latest pair of denim by Judy Blue. After all, you can't beat the clothing sales featured during the Back-To-School season! Not to mention, the coming chill in air that makes me excited about slipping on a pair of jeans. So if you're not off the grid, I hope you can share in on today's fun, starting with these jeans. 

I stumbled onto Judy Blue denim at a local boutique, Marisa Jill's, in one of our quaint, downtown squares in Georgia. They are soft and stretchy, molding to your body in all the right places. The distressed patches are not yet gaping holes, where bulges of leg protrude to rudely remind you that you've long left your exercise routine in the past.  They are nicely priced at $39.00, so I wasn't overly worried about how long this trend would stick around!

The handbag was a birthday gift from a friend by Patricia Nash Designs. My friend informed me that she found it at Nordstrom Rack. Of course! Some of my best finds are from there.Aren't the leather roses beautiful and the details so fun? I love it. 

The shoes are nothing fancy and were my first Clark's sandal. I needed something with good support!

Outfit Breakdown:
Top: Entourage (similar)/ Jeans: (Judy Blue)/Handbag: Patricia Nash (Fun Option) /Shoes: Old/Necklace & Earrings (Cashmere by PD and Cleo by PD)

Ok! Let's get to answering these back to school questions that caused some major reminiscing! 

1. Love school or hate it? It was always mixed emotions for me. The beginning of the year would start out with excitement and optimism, only to be disappointed once the work load came along.

2. Start school before or after Labor Day? I started school after Labor when I lived up North, but reluctantly had to adjust to before once we moved down South.

3. Wake up? Eager beaver or Slow poke? The sun is shining and the birds are singing - let's go!

4. Favorite breakfast? eggs and toast or yogurt parfait please

5. Favorite cereal? Captain Crunch. Though I don't know why, it always tore up the roof of my mouth.

6. No school uniform! However, I did go to a private school for a few years, where I was only permitted to wear skirts or dresses to the knee or longer. Culottes were for sports and swimming. Swimming was so interesting in culottes.

7. New outfit for the first day? Ocaisionaly

8. Walk to school or ride the bus. I walked to school in elementary school but when I transferred to a private school, my mom drove me.

9. Jansport Backpack was my method of transporting educational items

10. Eat school lunch or packed lunch? Mostly endure school lunches, with the exception of pizza day. Everyone loved pizza day.

11. Oh I remember the milk cartons. Chocolate when I could get away with it.

12. If I packed a lunch it was a paper bag.

13. Favorite thing to do at recess? It is terrible that I don't remember a recess time? All I'm able to recall is PE.

14. Favorite back to school item? Lisa Frank folders and pens!!

15. Chalkboard or Dry Erase? Send in markers please!

16.  Regular pencil or mechanical? Click, click, click.

17. Homework as soon as you got home or after dinner? In the afternoon with a snack please.

18. Favorite after school snack? Vanilla Wafers. How random. Mostly had to pick from what was available. We didn't have a lot of snack type food to choose from.

19. Favorite after school show? Ah, the television. What a way to unwind. ;) Unwind and dream about my own possibilities of becoming a tv star. Ha! I watched House and thought I might make a good DJ. I'm not sure I understood the concept of casting, but c'mon, an ethnic DJ would have been fabulous.

Full House

I never did get to act, however I am left with this little memento from a short-lived modeling "career"...

20. Favorite subject in school? Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou? Oh and chorus.

21. Least favorite school subject? Something times something equals what?

22. Name of your best friend in high school? Amber. What's up girl??

23. High school mascot? Bronco

24. SAT or ACT? SAT

25. Favorite year in school? Senior Year. Honestly, I was a late bloomer and couldn't wait to get out.  Just not enough confidence.

26. Class ring or no class ring? No class ring. Honestly I wanted a leather jacket more, but I received neither. No worries though. Somehow I turned out just fine.

27. Attend or Not attend high school reunion? Not a single one. Tragic.

How about you my friends? Did this post trigger any memories from your school days?? As always, I love to hear from you.



  1. Bha ha ha, how I LOVED this! First of all, super great jeans! Second of all, I too had a short lived modeling career, adore your sexy face! I loved reading your answers, I am so glad school days are over but fun to reminisce! I bet you were the sweetest little school girl!

    1. Aww, thank you Andrea. I was a sweet little girl, but a moody teenager - haha. My poor mamma.

  2. Love those jeans!!! Full House was also a favorite of mine!

    1. Thank you. It had a wholesome goofiness about it that I miss in shows today!

  3. Cute outfit! We had a lot of similar answers from fave and least fave subjects to no ring. Thanks for linking up with the Blended Blog!

    1. Thank you. I look forward to visiting your blog and checking out your answers! :)

  4. I am so with you on Lisa Frank school supplies and Full House! Those are like my childhood summed up!

    1. Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only girly, and maybe even silly one. ;)

  5. Those jeans are so dang cute! Love the wear on them, and haha, to the long forgotten leg exercises! We both picked Lisa Frank, heck ya, and lol to the "click, click, click" Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Ah yes! The leg exercises! I should trying doing those again. ;) Thank you for commenting!

  6. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Interesting. I went to high school reunion and nobody recognized me. LOL.

    1. Ok. so that could be good, right?? I'm sure it was because you looked like s superstar. ;)

  7. Super cute outfit and fun post! Me, too, with Captain Crunch! Loved it, but the dreaded crunch mouth... Awww, Lisa Frank. :)
    Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Chrissy!

    Jennie - A Pocketful of Polka Dots

    1. Thank you. And you coined it perfectly - the dreaded crunch mouth. Seriously, why did I like that stuff??


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