
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Red & The Mysterious Young Girl

Hi! I hope this post finds you happily back into the swing of life after our long weekend. Or perhaps you feel as off kilter as I do. What day is it anyway? No matter. What I do know is that I wore this dress on Sunday morning. My latest pair of peep toe wedges continue to add new life to the dresses hanging in my closet. I keep reaching for a new one at every opportunity. With red being one of the fall colors for 2017, it seemed only natural to grab this red hand me down from a friend.

But what of the girl with me in the photo? Yes, I'll explain but first, accessories. ;)

Once I picked the shoes and denim jacket, the rest of the accessorizing was fun. I worked up from the gold in the shoes, along with the knowledge gold and red go beautifully. The pearl tassel necklace is one of my newest and I couldn't wait to try it out! As you can see I didn't stop there with the layers. I can't help myself!

I picked this bangle to pair with the matching pearl bracelet as a reminder. The week before was particularly emotionally challenging and I needed to remember that when I overcome in Christ, my faith grows. When the next trial comes I'M STRONGER THAN YESTERDAY, because I trust Him more.

Now, before I move on to the mystery girl, allow me to share a few pics from when I was experimenting with this new necklace...

Choker in the front with tassel...

No Tassel

View from The Back

Isn't that fun? Also, as I began to type the outfit breakdown, I realzied that the only new items in this outfit are the shoes, necklace and bracelet, proving once again the versatility created in one's closet with a few new accessories. 

Outfit Breakdown:
Denim Jacket: OLD/Dress: Hand-Me-Down/Shoes:  (Rack Room Shoes) Purse: Hand-Me-Down/Necklace: Premier Designs/Pearl Bracelet: Premier Designs/Bangle: Premier Designs

Ok, but what of this stunning young lady in the pictures? A little random right? I just start blabbering on about the weather, which has been gorgeous here in Georgia, and practically ignore the fact that I'm posing with this beauty. Allow me to explain.

I'm leaving church with my boys trailing, just like I aways do. As I round the corner, a young lady I've never seen before, is leaned up against the brick wall. I cannot help but notice her hat and fun, unique style. You know I love hats! She looks up from her phone and I see a beautiful face, makeup expertly applied. I had to speak with her.

"Hi! I love your style. Are you new here?"

She's way cool. ;)
This begins an extended conversation. Turns out she is not new to our church, we've just not yet crossed paths (we have a large campus, with varying schedules).  Our conversation went from style to her passion for make-up, particularly in the realm of special effects, etc.  Soon we both had to move on, but not before I asked for a few pics! Oh, and would she mind being on my blog? As you can see, she's a natural! Her mom, who walked up while we were chatting,  graciously snapped these quick photos and I left with a spring in my step. I now follow Becca on Instagram and I'm sure we will meet again. These are the adventures that I love! I'm reminded to keep my eyes open to those around me.

What about you my reader friends? What are the adventures that thrill you or add excitement to your life? I love hearing from you!



  1. I love meeting new people and I bet she adored finding a friend in you sweet woman! Let's talk about how good you book in the red! It is your color and I love how you paired it with the lighter colored denim, just such a pretty pretty outfit! Once again, you shine my friend!

    1. Would you believe this is the only red I own? Perhaps I should invest in some more...And thank you Andrea. You say the kindest things and make one desire to blog again and again. So. I say. Who is the one that shines here? ;)

  2. What a cool story! I love that you are so sweet and walked up to a total stranger to compliment her! How many times do we think those things and not act, what a great example of what happens when we step out of our comfort zone.
    You, my dear are just precious as always. I love that necklace and you rock that red dress momma! Hot, hot, hot!!!

    1. Thank you Kellyann. You write the kindest things. Can we have coffee sometime?? ;)

  3. How fun, I don't know if I could have gone up to her like that and then ask for pictures, that is so awesome! Love that red dress, surprisingly I don't have one, I need to change that!

    1. I must admit I felt a little silly, especially when I asked for the pictures. Haha! Well, I'm glad I just went for it. :) Thank you for commenting!

  4. How fun you just basically picked up a stranger off the streets to join your blog post, Chrissy!
    Thanks so much for joining us in the Ageless Style Linkup!

    1. Haha! Yes! I guess I don't meet a stranger and the young lady was the same way. That being said, I'm not sure I should try this with everyone. Thank you for commenting, Jodie!

  5. I love the red dress with the denim and your new friend's style!

    1. Thank you! :) With red being one of the fall colors, I don't think it will be hard to add more to my closet!

  6. You look gorgeous in red my friend! And I find it infinitely cool that you chatted up a stranger and made a new friend.

    1. Thank you! Would you believe that this is the only red I own? And it was given to me? I think I'll be adding some more. :)

  7. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Love the denim with the pearls and LRD. So chic and unexpected! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Nicole! You know I love linking up with Top of the World. :)


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