Thursday, August 10, 2017

Chambray Dress & Thursday Moda Link Up

Hello, hello! Today's outfit features the chambray dress I found on clearance last August at Target. I've not worn it since!  I know. It's only the most versatile dress I own, but I'm just now climbing out of a full on fashion rut.  Our hectic schedule leaves little time for creativity, so I wear the same few pairs of pants or shorts day in and day out.  Some of you may be calling me out right now.

"Chrissy, are those green jeans and white jeans the only pants you own?? And those ripped up cutoffs are falling apart!"

Ok. After a quick perusal of my recent posts, I see that I'm not posting about my 3 faves as much as I thought. It's just the locals calling me out right now.

Another reason why I rarely wear this dress is because I don't love it without an extra layer. It's too hot for extra layers right now. Can someone say heatstroke? However, this only applies when I'm going to be outside for an extended period of time. Otherwise most places blast their high powered a/c units to the point of making one believe they've stepped into a new season - a cold one.

That's how it went down this past Sunday,  so I grabbed my green jacket and threw on my green hat with the navy band and reached for these fabulous heeled sandals. Oh glorious day! I am not wearing anything new, but it felt a brand new outfit!

On another note, will someone please tell me where the days have gone?? I had so many plans for this week. It's the last few days before I leave the era of my 30s forever and I wanted to savor them. Kick up my heels, shoot the breeze and maybe even get lost in a fictional story of cleverly devised characters; drawing you into their unrealistic, but totally fun adventures!

I wanted to shop for new shoes, either by myself OR with someone over the age of 18 that digs shoes, and stores in general. This pic of my shoe "staples" is saved on my phone to keep me organized and quell the temptation to purchase items that just need other new items to go with it.  I'm ready to find some deals!

Shoes to Replace...

However, instead of shoe hunting for my birthday outing, the back to school shopping, open houses, doctor appointments, hair cuts for these unruly boys, laundry, etc, etc swooped in and took over! There's been an invasion!! I could plan better, but I'm a work in progress in that department for sure.

Now, before I give you the impression that I'm complaining, allow me to state that I wouldn't change a thing, but I must also confess that I wouldn't mind a day to myself with NO agenda, no appointments on the calendar and the simple pleasure one can find in silence. And I'm quite certain many of you relate! Can I get an amen??

Until I do, I'll pray for extra doses of patience and self-control, as my tone is tapping into edgy well before lunch time.

If my favorite song comes on, I'm gonna let go and attempt lyrical dancing or good old fashioned twisting.  I'll laugh at myself. After all, laughter is one of the best stress relievers right?

If there's not enough time to style the hair, then I'll don a hat and a smile.

When I hear my name on repeat, whether it be in a high pitched, sing-song urgency over the littlest of "dilemmas" or a deep and slightly demanding request, I'll thank the Lord I'm still needed.  As they say, "the days are long but the years are short". I'll get around to "me time" and finding those shoes eventually...hopefully sooner rather than later, right?? ;)

In the meantime, I invite you to join me in celebrating the little moments found in what you enjoy, as well as overlooking the ever lurking negatives by focusing on all there is to be thankful for! Let's take a moment and breathe in deep and exhale slow.

Outfit Breakdown:

Jacket: GAP/Chambray Dress: Target (Current Option)/Fedora: Banana Republic (Lighter Option)/Shoes: WHBM warehouse sale (Fun Black Option)/Purse: Vince Camuto (Fun option!)/ Necklace, Watch & Bracelet: Premier Designs Jewelry
Linking up with.High Latitude StyleLiving On Cloud NineWeekend Wear Link UpA Pocketful of PolkadotsShelbee On The EdgeFashion Should be FunNancy's Fashion Style

Also!! - Today I am excited to be co-hosting the Thursday Moda link up with Kellyann of This Blonde's Shopping Bag and Kristin of Countdown to Friday while Ada is vacationing with her family!! Link up, inspire, share, comment...This is what makes blogging so fun!

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. I always love you in a hat and this outfit is so fun with the chambray dress and green utility jacket. This post put a smile on my face, not just your outfit but what you wrote.

    I hope you get to buy not one but several new pairs of shoes and enjoy every second of the 39th year of your life. That "days are long but years are short" quote is one of my favorites.

    You are a babe in more ways than one Chrissy and I am so lucky we are friends. Thank you for being a co-host for Thursday Moda today.

    1. Thank you sweet, sweet Ada for your kind words! The feeling is mutual. Thank you, also, for inviting me to be apart of my favorite aspect of the blogging world - friendship. God bless and I hope you and your family continue to enjoy your time away!

  2. Precious post Chrissy, you are so beautiful inside and out! I feel ya though, I long to shoe shop with someone over the age of 18 who loves shoes too - usually that means I'm shopping alone #boymom. Hahaha!! Yes, my sweet friend, the days are long and the years are short so we will inhale, exhale, and thank God. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Oh Thank you beautiful Kellyann! You are one of the bloggers that I look forward to sharing insights and sweet comments with each week. Feeling blessed in the blog world today! Looking forward to stopping by your blog to say hello as well. ;)

  3. There's that chambray goodness. I have dress almost identical and you have now given me inspo to wear it with my olive jacket. If I had a nickel for every time I hear "mom", Mom, "MOM' but the years are getting shorter and I don't hear it enough now that two are going back to college. And I miss it! But how I relish in days that are just for's coming mama, it's coming!! Your 40's are going to rock even more, I promise!!!! You are a STUNNER!!

    1. Why hello Andrea! I always look forward to reading your comments from week to week, as well as stopping by your blog to see all your great outfits. You definitely make me believe that 40s are going to be great with your gorgeous self and fabulous style. So glad to know you!

  4. I have a chambray dress and I wear it more than almost any other dress. But I know what you mean about it looking best with an extra layer. Cute look! Love it with the coat and hat! Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thank you Amy! I'd love to see how you've styled yours. Have a great week!

  5. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style linkup party. You look so cool in this outfit. I like the denim with the olive. But what makes it fly is the hat!

    1. Thank you Nicole. I look forward to linking up with HLS every week! ;)

  6. I love that chambray dress! I think I also tried that one on last fall at Target and thought it made me look like a lump! I should have bought it and layered it like you did because it looks fab on you!

    1. Haha! That's exactly how I feel in this dress without that layer. And thank you. :)

  7. Well, you just look adorable in that chambray dress! You've really made it your own! And, welcome to the 40's! Not that you look like you belong there! Trust me, each new decade is just a new adventure! I turned the big 5-0 this year and had my "baby", my youngest, graduate from high school. Its all good! 50 is the best year yet! And I know 40 will be yours!

    1. Thank you! Rhona, you are always such an encourager and happy belated 50th! ;)

  8. What a great find from Target! I love the anorak worn with it and I adore the hat. Amazing look!

    1. Thank you. Aren't "finds" thrilling?? Keeps the pep in my blogging step. ;)

  9. I'm in the same boat as you - I feel like I keep reaching for the same pieces and I know I've got a closet full of things that could be worn! The chambray dress is a really great piece too, I'm sure it's so versatile and does look perfect with the field jacket.
    Chic on the Cheap

    1. Now that I've finally taken the dress out of the closet, I keep finding uses for it! Funny how that works, isn't it? Thank you for commenting!

  10. I do the same thing girl! I buy something on sale telling myself that it's a great staple in my wardrobe, and then never wear it! At least you finally got around to wearing the cute chambray dress. It is really versatile and it looks great with the olive jacket.

    1. Thank you Kristin! I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  11. So, so cute! The chambray and olive are a match made in heaven. I have never thought to layer my chambray dress, so I need to keep that in mind as I look for new ways to style it.

    1. Thank you Jennie! You look adorable in whatever you wear! Thank you hosting your fabulous link ups and for stopping by to visit. It's always a pleasure. ;)


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