Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Striped Dress & Snapshots from a Cuban-themed Party

Banana Republic

When I saw this picture I thought of a certain striped dress that I purchased at the LOFT during the spring sale this year. Combining the dress with a grey blazer seemed to work for the now fall season.

So with a touch of warmth outside I'd wear it this way...

It was cooler than I anticipated, so I added patterned tights...

Found these patterned tights at Target for $3
Outfit breakdown:
Dress: LOFT
Blazer: White House Black Market, found at GoodWill - $5
Shoes: Consignment
Purse: Tommy Hilfiger

Linking up with the very stylish Because Shanna Said So today.


A few snapshots from the Cuban-themed party I attended with my sister a few weeks ago. It was a birthday party for a special lady - my sister's MIL who, as you might of guessed, is of Cuban decent.
We greeted everyone with the customary kiss on the cheek and had our picture taken on the beaches of Cuba. Wink. Wink. I know. You can see the dance floor.  Already music was playing but at 9:30 the night was young so few dancers graced the floor just yet.

Some of the early dancers

My sister and I settling in...

My sweet niece
...traditional dinner of rice, beans, pork, salad - and yucca (tastes like potato)

Wish I had a better pic!

Then the band arrived and live music filled the room, beckoning more to come and dance...

Dressed in traditional Cuban wear, these ladies and gents gave us a beautiful display of their warm culture. It was all I could do not to go borrow a dress to don. 

At midnight they came out and danced around the birthday girl. :)

The men took the floor...

They finally dragged my chair-glued-bottom out onto the dance floor...and sister too.

Another Photo Opp with the beautiful birthday "girl"...

A birthday shared...(Hey, I want folks to sing AND dance around me on my birthday too!!)  

I was captivated the whole night through, observing and even participating. The highlight for me was watching couples that have been dancing partners for many years now. How fascinating that each one had their own style and rhythm...twisting, turning, twirling, quick foot steps...A beautiful night. A beautiful people. 

Random Closing thoughts...No latin culture is the same. They all have their own history and traditions, but I couldn't help but travel down memory lane and think of my own sweet grandmother, who spoke little English. A short, soft-spoken Puerto Rican woman. She always had a pot of rice, beans and chicken (delicious!!!) waiting when we would come to visit - oh and a package of soft-baked cookies for the road. Abuela welcomed everyone who crossed her threshold. She made all visitors feel like they were family.  Me hace falta mi abuelita...

As always, thank you for reading!



  1. I love your take on the BR look! That dress is seriously so pretty!

    That party looks amazing! I love getting to celebrate different cultures and experience new things!

    1. Thank you yet again! You are part of the fun of blogging! I forgot to mention in the post that the dress was around $14 or good deal. And as far as experiencing new things - indeed. I see that in your blog posts as well. Until next time! :)


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