Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Print Mixing and My Campaign For the Wild Oats Cupcake

Today's post features a sweater I've owned for awhile but use very little. Why? I don't know. Perhaps it's the fitted style that I seem to steer clear of from day to day.  However, I'm well aware of my propensity to fall into the trap of repeatedly wearing the same style clothing, so I gave myself a push. Not to mention how linking up with so many fine, talented ladies inspires me weekly!  I love it!

Rain or shine. Let's get out there and do what we do - put together! ;) The hair may suffer, but the prints will be great, right?

I'm also trepidaciously experimenting with colors. The reds in the plaid top were not an exact match with the corduroy pants, but I thought it still worked or even complemented each other nicely. What do you think?

The boots, purse and jewelry were quick decisions. Can't go wrong with neutral and pearls, right? 

Outfit Breakdown:
Heart Sweater: The Limited (Current OptionModcloth Option)/Plaid Top: the Limited (Gap Option)/Burgundy Corduroy: LOFT (Chicos Option)/Over the Shoulder Bag: Amazon (OLD)/OTK Boots: Altar'd State: OLD/Necklace: Premier Designs (Pearl-Sueded)/Bracelet: Premier Designs (Pearl-Sueded)

Okay. I'm keeping it simple and sweet today, in order to update you on my silly campaign for the Wild Oats cupcake.

The Wild Oats Campaign

If you need some general silliness added to your day continue reading. For those of you who are new to the blog, I won a drawing for a free cupcake a day at a local bakery. It has been a rich, fun and blessed journey since that surprising event back in April! You can see the back story here.

Now what is this craziness about Wild Oats?? Well, back in the summer I tasted their "Wild Oats" cupcake and loved it. It had the perfect balance of sweetness and density with added crunch in the top layer of the cupcake and a sprinkle of granola on the frosting. That frosting is a perfected cream cheese mixture of goodness that I know nothing about, as I'm not a baker in the least! Though I love chocolate (their Date Night cupcake is chocolate with chocolate ganache and garnished with a strawberry. OH. MY. GOODNESS!), but Wild Oats may be my favorite.

Date Night & A Wild Eyed Hubby

It's my favorite, but we have a problem. Wild Oats hasn't been back on the menu until now.  Why? It's not the most popular and I'm convinced it's because most haven't ventured to try it - yet. Hence my campaign for "more Wild Oats".

Bring on the campaign photo - or MUG SHOT- and begin sharing on social media...mostly Instagram stories. In fact, I've saved a few of them to the highlights feature on my homepage. Go on. Give 'em a look.

Campaigning outside the Bakery

Friends played along in response to the IG stories and I received these pics...

Um. How happy do you think that made me????!!!

Give Some Away. My next step in the campaign was taking the Wild Oats, which is featured on Saturdays to friends. So I asked my Splat friends to reserve a couple of my freebies for Saturday. Then I began delivering my cupcake winnings to locals willing to taste test. Here are a few fun shots...

This sign wasn't meant to wear around your neck. It's not really a campaign sign. ;) 



  1. OH my gosh how cute are you?! So nice you are sharing the wealth of your winnings. I remember you winning it, so freakin cool! :)

    1. Thank you! :) It is a fun adventure for sure. I wouldn't know what else to do with so many cupcakes. haha. I hope you have a wonderful day!!

  2. Oh wild oats, please oh please! I need my Chrissy’s tastebuds and heart to do a happy dance! Thankful big your readers now for assisting in this awesome campaign! Speaking of hearts, what a precious color combo happening with that sweater! There is no one cuter than you, my WILD OATS cupcake QUEEN!!

    1. Haha, thank you! It is fun when folks play along with my silliness. I've been asked if I'm a spokesperson for Splat, do I get paid, etc. Nope. I'm just a goober, torching my kiddos (I'm sure, except when they get a cupcake) having a little fun with some free cupcakes!

  3. Why is it that I think I'd rather win a cupcake a day for the rest of my life than $5,000 a week? Because I am insane, that's why! That Wild Oats cupcake looks so good - like a mix between a healthy muffin and a sinful treat, either way if I was a local I'd join your cause and happily eat several!
    You are super cute in that sweater, I love the hearts, especially with V-day right around the corner! I like how you brought lots of colors into the outfit - you're right they don't have to match they just need to go and yours go!

    1. Haha! I just laughed out loud at that comment Kellyann! You pegged it perfectly...I might just borrow that line...a healthy muffin and a sinful treat. You're the best. Truly. One of my reasons I am encouraged to continue this venture. And can I borrow that other statement...they don't have to match they just need to go??? good one!

  4. I love that top, it's so cute with the hearts! :)

    And I hope your campaign saves the cupcake, it looks like a lot of people are on your side. I only wish I could try it all the way here in Australia, haha!

    Hope that you are having a good week so far! Busy week here for me now that I'm back at work after my break.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thank you Mica! I think they will be bringing back wild oats next month. lol. I made such a big deal, you know.

      I hope you have a fabulous week as well and thank you for taking the time to comment!

  5. Those cupcakes always look so amazing!! Love the mix of patterns and colors with your look! Your sweater is so pretty!

    xx, Elise

    1. Thanks Elise. Those cupcakes are getting me into trouble all the time. Before this adventure I didn't give a lick about a cupcake...Thank you for taking time to visit and share in with me on this blogging adventure. I hope you have a fantastic week!


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