Thursday, March 15, 2018

ICYMI: Style And Sweets Wrap Up

Hello! It's another ICYMI (In Case You Missed It) feature with a few outfits to share on the blog today! Additionally, look for cupcake snapshots sprinkled amongst the fashion. They go together don't they? Thank you for being a wonderful online community of encouraging, inspiring and fabulous women.  It's a joy to share pieces of life with you and read about yours.  I know. We've barely begun and I'm already getting sappy! Consequently, we shall start with the "Oh, What Love" tee!

The most beautiful children's choir visited our church last year. Their voices, their smiles and their joyful dances left a lasting impression on this distracted heart. They are the Watoto Children's choir. Their mission is to spread the word about the vulnerable women and orphaned children of Africa. The ministry has placed many children into forever families and they work to educated and equip those in need.

I remember watching with tears streaming down my face, my boys seated beside me fully engaged but occasionally glancing at their crying momma. My boys don't know hunger. They don't know true fear. They are blessed with the love of two parents, security, clean drinking water, plenty of clothes and full bellies EVERYDAY. I am so grateful, but I want them to be aware of the world outside of our home.

Without frequent reminders, I get lost in life and the blog world - can I get an amen to that??? I am passionate about blogging but I dare not calculate the hours spent! However, if I'm permitted to encourage, inspire and make a difference than these hours are not wasted hours. I believe that's what we all want here - to make an impact; to influence for good: love, joy and peace which is available to all who desire it.

If you're interested in seeing this children's choir or learning more about the ministry, hop on over to their website. There you can watch videos, read more about their vision, donate or shop in their online store to support their cause.

Outfit Breakdown:

Utility Jacket: GAP (Levi's Option)/OH, What Love Tee (Watoto Online Store)/

Cupcake: On a lighter note, I delivered a red velvet cupcake to one of the sweetest veterinarians I know! In all honesty, I thought I had given her a cupcake when her baby girl was born, but I forgot...oops! Better late than never. :)

Pastels For Spring

Now let's move onto the latest IG style challenge...pastels in the spring! ;) Once again, my outfit choices are inspired by my fellow Instagrammars and their style challenges. The pastel theme concerned me because my closet has very little pastels. However, I was surprised to find that I had enough to make it work!  

Poised & Purple Plaid

I'm just chilling at our local coffee shop, Tradewinds, while waiting for one of my sons to get done with weight training. Meanwhile the others run amuck. Before long I sequester a crazed boy for taking blog pics. #bloglife 

The plaid top is from last year's clearance at Altar'd State, the GAP denim are old, the shoes are my latest Altar'd State find, the white tee is from the GAP and so is the purse. That was a short loop around the mall wasn't it?

Bracelets and Earrings: Premier Designs (Online Shop)

Cupcake: This was a busy day in the cupcake world with 4 ladies retiring from around the office where my husband works AND it was a friend of my son's 16th birthday! Drop offs aplenty....

Chocolate Temptation


Nice & Neutral Beige

This time I'm reaching for neutrals with a fun pop of salmon in my necklace and earrings. The pants are my old trusty camo from the LOFT, the lace top is also old, and the shoes were a Rack Room Shoe find.

Outfit Breakdown
Necklace and Earrings: Sway TasselGem Drops Set,/Shoes: Wedges only 29.99

Cupcake: A sweet voice greeted me when I pulled into the driveway that day...

"Hello"Look at my new socks!"

"Did you remember my cupcake??" 

Did I remember her cupcake? Technically no, but I happened to have an extra one waiting in the van cupholder. So...

Phew!! Those occasional extras really come in handy!!

Cool & Casual Turquoise

For my final outfit and final pastel items, I you casual weekend vibes! The top is by Piphany, the kimono is from LulaRoe, the denim from Marisa Jill's boutique and the jewelry is by Premier.

Jewelry: Sugar Rush NecklaceGigi Earrings/Top: Piphany by The Southern Blue/

Cupcake: A gluten free cupcake went to my adorable friend Erin...she sent me this fun snap...

Thank you for reading and sharing in my adventures today! I tip my hat to you beautiful!

Have a glorious day and know that you're loved!


Linking up with Jersey Girl Texan HeartThe Thursday ModaThe Blended BlogThursday Fashion FilesStyle WiseFashion Should Be FunFabulous FridayWeekend WearShelbee On The EdgeFancy FridayHIgh Latitude Style


  1. I love posts like these, Chrissy! And I love that first top... Amen to that, by the way!
    Thank you so much for linking up to the Thursday Moda this week! I'm thrilled to be Ada's co-host today <3
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

    1. Thank you Suzy. I often question my blog content...what am I sharing of value? Why would someone want to read my know we all have those it's nice to be affirmed!

  2. LOVE catching up with you via this post on all your cuteness, spreading of joy and sweet teats! YES to that graphic, you ARE the LOVE and adore the plaid too!! Jus the CUTEST my fiend!! Go have a spectacular day!

    1. Thank you sweet Andrea! I can't take too much credit though. I'm given free stuff so it's not too much of a sacrifice - haha. However, it's be a huge blessing for me. Always enjoy hearing from you. I need to get by your blog and see your cuteness - you don't disappoint. :)

  3. I am totally digging that last outfit - a monogrammed baseball cap is just the cutest! Love the color too.
    Do you have a cupcake delivery service ... because I just thought I need to start that business here :)

    1. Thank you. I think my best items are the ones that friends have picked out for me. I rarely buy "fun" items, but that is not to say I don't spend money. I just pick boring stuff - ha! A cupcake delivery service - it looks that way. lol! My cupcake winnings "runs out" in April but I have a feeling they will extend my free cupcakes. :)

  4. Well look at you delivering cupcakes and heartfelt messages of love! You are an inspiration my friend and you make a difference in the lives of so many.

    1. Haha, you know I can't help myself though I will say that I slacked off this week and gave some to my boys. We will see what next week holds. :)

  5. Always so much fun, Chrissy! I would have struggled with pastels, also. They're just not good colors on me so I don't have a large selection. But, you did a great job! Always encouraging to see your sweet spirit in sharing the cupcake love!��

    1. Thank you Ronnie! These challenges are pushing me to try new styles and looks, which I like but I told my husband last night that I feel like I'm a beginner again...trying on all different combinations to find something I think works! And honestly, I'm not the most detailed person...things can start out great but those finishing touches get me! Thanks again Ronnie for encouraging and sharing your fashion knowledge with me!

  6. I totally understand your feelings. Sometimes I see commercials of kids that are starving and I cry. The girls are just starting to pick on how blessed they are and how much we have. I am really big on giving back and helping out in our community!

    1. That's fabulous Ruth! I'm working on ways to do the same, I get so lost in my own world that I forget to look. Thank you for reading and commenting. It means the world!

  7. How fun you are...and who wouldn't love those cupcakes???

    1. Aww, thanks Jodie. I do like to have fun and be silly. A little too much. Too much play and not enough work. My house could use a real cleaning! ;)

  8. You always look cool! Have a great weekend!

  9. Such a great post! I love that plaid shirt outfit. That is just so cute!

    1. Aww, thanks Amy! That outfit seems to be the favorite from last week. :) Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for visiting!! :)

  10. Oh I love the turquoise necklace and cardigan together, as much as I like the foil slogan tee in the first outfit, that last one was my favourite :) What a wonderful cupcake filled week!

    Hope you are having a good weekend :) We are having a quiet one to recover from our busy week!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thank you Mica! It was a fun week, though a little crazy. I love hearing what outfits people gravitate towards. Guess it makes me feel like I’m getting to know them a little bit more. I went to dinner at my brother and his wife’s home, wearing the turquoise outfit and they really liked it. Thank you for taking time to comment!

  11. So many cute looks! Omg those cupcakes look so delish!!

    <3 Shannon 
    Upbeat Soles

    1. Thank you! The cupcakes are part of the reason of my expanding waist line. It's a good thing I give some away. Haha! Thank you for taking time to visit. It means so much!

  12. Oh, I really like the first outfit! This is so cool! You have fun walks with children!

  13. Chrissy, this was such a great post! I love your willingness to share so much about yourself and your passions! And of course, I am always crushing on your cute outfits. This post will be a featured favorite on my blog tomorrow! Thanks for always linking up with me!


    1. Shelbee, you're the sweetest...and I'm sure that your openness subconsciously inspires and emboldens me to do the same!! I love this blogging community and am so thankful I found you and "living on the edge". :)


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