Friday, May 4, 2018

Hi-Lo Floral Dress and The Happiest of Birthdays to Ada Link up

Hello! Today's post is a special tribute to my fellow blogger and friend, Ada, the creator and writer behind Elegance and Mommyhood. It's her birthday today and I love how she celebrates by bringing her blogging friends together in a conglomeration of fashion in true Ada style. We can't be together in person but we can dress up and salute Ada from all over the world.

Here's what the fabulous Ada has to say about this sweet tradition of hers:

"Every year that I've been blogging, since I became a mom, I thought it would be fun to have a blog birthday party on my blog, including other fashionistas and blogging friends. It started in 2013 and this is the 6th year of this fun birthday tradition. When I first started it in 2013 as a beginner, I invited my closest 5-6 blogging buddies who came to visit, read and comment on my blog on a daily basis. Over the last 3 years this fun blogging party has grown and it has become a two day celebration. This year I am joined by another 20 fashionistas who I am lucky to call my friends and who are all super stylish to boot.  A lot of these ladies have been celebrating my birthday with me on the blogger other years and I'm very glad and flattered to see them return. Thank you beauties for me this tradition super fun, joyful and fashionable once again. Cheers with a Pinot Noir!  Here's to another year of getting older and hopefully wiser."

The dress I chose to celebrate in arrived on my doorstep a little over a week ago from Corrie LeeAnn's Facebook group. I've been eyeballing this piece for awhile now,  so when I saw Corrie priced it at $20, shipping included, I could hold back no longer.

Come to me my little floral beauty. 

Even more fetching in person, this piece has plenty of colors to choose from for shoes or jewelry.  I chose white wedges this go round, but that didn't stop me from trying out all my spring/summer sandals. This would make a great Mother's Day dress, but I'm not sure I'll hold out that long. ;)

In the meantime, you can join me in stalking Corrie's Facebook group. You never know what you're going to find!

Necklace: Sway by Premier Designs, Earrings: Gem Drops by Premier

Bracelet: Pearl-Sueded by Premier Designs

These shoes are another WHBM $6 clearance steal, but here are some fun wedges...

Let's stay young at heart, find joy in each day and keep lifting each other up! :) Muah! Now join me and go link up my lovelies! (Also linking up with all the fabulous bloggers listed HERE.)

Happy, happy birthday Ada. Let's have a cupcake together!!



  1. Complete Floral FABULOUS from head to toe is what you are! I love the print and I LOVE your smile!! Hope your weekend is as wonderful as you are!

    1. Thank you sweet Andrea! I do love the this dress I will tell you no hubby was that a new dress? In other words, did you buy something else? lol. Those flash sales get me!

  2. Oh my goodness what a fabulous dress! $20???? Holy cow, I am so glad you got it. Love those wedges too, I swear my friend, you find the BEST DEALS!!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    1. Thank you sweet Kellyann! I had fun "modeling" this dress. Now I just need to wear it out. lol. And the wedges? I love them but they are dangerous to drive in! I can't feel the pedals with these huge clunkers on! Have a fabulous week my friend!

  3. How absolutely beautiful do you look!?!? This dress is gorgeous, looks amazing on you and you have styled it perfectly!

    xx, Elise

    1. Thank you Elise. You are so sweet! I couldn't pass up the deal and am glad I went with this color as opposed to the pink. I keep adding too much pink. lol! Thank you so much for visiting. Love seeing your pretty face!

  4. What a beautiful dress and a great find! You look amazing and the dress suits you really well - the color and the fit. Your wedges are pretty dang cute! Perfect pair if you ask me!

    Maureen |

    1. Thank you Maureen! You are the sweetest. I love having you come by the blog, as you brighten my day. :) Hope your week is going well!

  5. Chrissy!!! This dress is absolutely lovely on you! I can see you wearing that so much for so many occasions!!

    1. Thank you Jodie! I am certainly going to try to get as many wears as I can! :)

  6. What a very cool way to celebrate a birthday! I love it! And I love this dress - and especially on you! It's just beautiful and the floral and colors are so complimentary with your coloring! Wonderful pick, Chrissy! Wow! that really was a deal for those shoes at WHBM! I just got two tops from there for $7.50! Don't you just love it when all the sales and coupons line up together and DEAL MAGIC just happens?! :)

    1. I agree! Ada is very creative in many areas, but especially in the blogging collaborations and endeavors! And $7.50 for TWO tops!! Yes I do love some deal magic! Thank you for your kind words and for the blog visit Ronnie! So grateful for you and your blogging friendship/support!

  7. Nice and Perfect looking outfit..

  8. Oh you look so beautiful in that dress! I love a high low hem Line dresses and skirts. What a fantastic color for you too!

    1. Thank you Nancy! yes, I think the high low hems are so flattering. :) Have a wonderful week!

  9. Chrissy, you beautiful thing! This dress is life. And I want to go on a girl date with you! You in this dress and me in my floral dress that I wore for Ada's birthday post. And all of us fabulous ladies in all of our brilliant style! Together for one big massive girl date! Let's plan it!


    1. You are the best! Blogging is truly one of your wheelhouses Shelbee. You were made to reach out, connect, inspire, challenge and so much more! Thankful for you and your blogging support and friendship!

  10. This dress i just beautiful! I love the floral and boho vibe it has. So glad you did this!

    1. Thank you Ruth! I was glad to be apart of this with you guys! Hope you're having a great week!

  11. Dearest Chrissy, actually your post was one of the first 3 I read the morning of my birthday but didn't have time to reply. I love what you wrote first of all, especially that first paragraph. Thank you so kindly!

    Let me just say YOUR OUTFIT WAS MY FAVORITE OF ALL (out of all) from this year's very fashionable blog party, and also My Most Favorite you have EVER worn! And the fact that you wore it for my birthday makes it even sweeter. That Hi-Lo Wrap Dress is so pretty, love the soft colors and beautiful floral. The white wedges and your fun tassel necklace are just as beautiful and a great match, plus your hair and makeup are simply flawless here. You look about 10 years younger and just shine in these photos!!!

    That pretty dress, the shoes, etc. were such a steal but you my friend look like a million bucks! Which goes to show that money doesn't buy style, beauty or grace!

    Thank you so very much for taking part in my annual blog birthday party. Let's do it again next year, Chrissy!! =) I loved having you. Thanks again. I also wrote a little something about each blogger participating and I hope you like what I wrote about you (meant every word of it)!

    1. Awww, Ada. Thank you so much. Those are just the kindest things to say...of course you have a way with words. ;) And thank you for inviting me into your life...I loved what you said here and on your blog...sometimes I lack the words to express what I'm thinking but you do it so well. Keeping inspiring, encouraging and pushing others to be the best they can be...and of course keep being you!! :)

  12. You look simply gorgeous in this pretty floral dress!!! I love the color and hi-lo hemline. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday!

    Jennie - A Pocketful of Polka Dots

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Great blog!! You look very pretty in that beautiful outfit and the floral print adds to it. I absolutely love them.

  15. Great blog!! You look very pretty in that beautiful outfit and the floral print adds to it. I absolutely love them.
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