Sunday, August 5, 2018

Classic in a Jumpsuit and the Sunday Showcase

Hello friends! Once again I'm joining some blog friends in the Sunday Showcase Feature. Due to our family move from Georgia to Florida I missed last month's feature - and I truly did miss it. Also, I can't say enough how much I appreciate this blog community. I could barely keep up my IG, never mind maintain the blog, but you beauties stuck around and supported me and I'm so GRATEFUL!
In fact, if not for the push of this collaboration, I'm not sure I'd be posting outfit pictures yet. I haven't felt like myself. We've been so busy getting here and then unpacking that I let myself go. My hair needs coloring and it's crazy in this humidity. Crazy every day! My brows are out of control, I'm eating poorly and I am not consistently exercising. You know what else?? (Since I'm on this pitiful vent-fest.) After walking almost 5 miles the other day and then walking around barefoot  on tile floors, I did something to my foot!

BUT, I'm here, right? Halleluia, I'm here. And!!! I'm excited to tell you that I've finished the full story on our move!! Just as soon as I get the final edits complete, I'll be sharing those sweet details with you, but until then let's talk some fashion - finally.

I actually went shopping for a new jumpsuit to feature in this month's showcase. In addition to Kellyann and Ada, we also have the lovely Stephanie from Glamorous and Geeky joining us. Kellyann and Stephanie, I need help with my crazy Florida hair! wink!

Now let's get to this jumpsuit. My shopping adventure happened to be on tax free weekend - and it was a Saturday, but I was determined. With Target nearby, I decided to start there since I've seen a few posts by Andrea at Living on Cloud Nine featuring cute jumpsuits. Thanks Andrea!

I searched the racks and found one. One single jumpsuit. It was cute but slightly too big. The fitting room attendant seemed friendly, so I asked her if she could help me locate more. After a quick search in the computer, she found that the Super Target nearby had some smalls in their store. Guess where I went?

I drove through the crazy traffic, found parking and weaved through the racks of clothing and crowds to find this one jumpsuit.

I found another helpful attendant and explained what I was looking for.

"Do you know what brand it's by?"

Ugh. Gosh, I didn't think to look.

We began to walk through the women's department. Nothing.

"Maybe it was Xhilaration?" 

She looked on her phone. Nothing.

I had to pull out my phone and call the other store. I couldn't remember the name of the girl who helped me and I was doing a poor job of describing her. Thankfully the employee on the other end of the phone was helpful and the fitting room attendant showed up in the background.

"It was A New Day". 

"Oh, yeah. A New Day. That was it!" 

I hung up the phone and once again sought out the employee to return to our search. We found the jumpsuits in 2 minutes! Lesson learned. Save about 20 to 30 minutes of your time by snapping a picture of the tag with the brand and item number.


There you have it. I found a classic jumpsuit, with pockets for only $15.00 cash and 2 hours of precious time. lol!

This jumpsuit is available online for $20. Check it out here. Reminder...I tend to be a medium at Target but I think I could have gone for an extra small in this. You can see how I clipped the straps on mine in the back with a jewelry accessory for a better fit. After that it was super comfortable.

The shoes happen to be from Target as well but they are from a few years back. You've seen this hat many times here on the blog, as well as this bracelet and Necklace from Premier Designs. They are classics as well!

Well, I can't wait to see your outfits my friends and it feel so good to play in fashion for an evening again!!

Link up, link up, link up!
Welcome to our 6th "The Sunday Showcase" Linkup, held on the first Sunday of each month. This is a linkup where you can 'showcase' anything you like from home decor, DIY, fashion, travel, your kids and more. Today we are all styling Jumpers or Rompers for Summer.

This is a collaboration among Ada from Elegance and Mommyhood, Chrissy from Granola and Grace and KellyAnn from This Blonde's Shopping Bag. We kindly ask that you link to us and follow each of us on Instagram. =) There is also a cute button you can grab and add. 

And today we have a co-host too -- the funny, trendy, super mama of two little boys, Stephanie from Glamorous and Geeky. Make sure you follow the stylish Stephanie too. =)

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Much love,



  1. That's a great idea to snap a photo of the tag for exactly this reason!! I need to remember that!!
    So glad to see you back, Chrissy!! Moving is crazy, but you're always so positive!!

    1. Thank you Jodie. I'm trying. Now what do I wear for the next post. lol! I'm not laying in the towel yet!

  2. I live in Florida too and have yet to find the secret to good hair here. Love your jumpsuit!

    1. Oh great! We should invent it - women in humid clients would love us for it!

  3. I am so so glad that A) you found the perfect jumpsuit for a steal B) you are back to blogging an outfit - and what a fantastic one it is and C) you are settling down at your new home in Florida. I currently have a striped jumpsuit sitting on a Target shopping cart too. I am glad you found THE ONE for you. It is modern and classic and I love how you styled it, like I mentioned in today's blog post. Most of my outfit is also by Target and my jumpsuit is from "A New Day" too. Your sandals and hat are so so cute, Chrissy!

    P.S. How fun - I didn't realize - that all my 3 other co-hosts today live in Florida!

    1. By the way: My post is finally live and I promoted it on Instagram and Insta stories too. =))

    2. Thank you sweet Ada! Once again you're pushing me to keep the blog going. I appreciate you so much and hate that it's been so crazy. I've missed chatting!!

  4. Oh friend, you nailed it! You look gorgeous and like you've lived here forever! Your hair looks great to me. Mine falls flat in all the humidity. I'm glad you are settling into your new surroundings and I cannot wait to catch up!

    1. Awww, thank you so much. Sweet, kind words from a friend are welcome here! :) My mom is visiting this week, so i'll check in with you next week! Can't wait to chat.

  5. Haha, you already are so busy with the move, and then to spend so much time finding that jumpsuit! But it s worth it!

    1. Tenacity or just crazy? Haha! I told my hubby, my task list is long and boring - I need some fun thrown in. lol! :)

  6. You look fabulous in the jumpsuit - so glad you tracked it down in the end. I love your tenacity! Hats are great for bad hair days - I've been wearing mine more in this heat wave we've been having here in England! xx

    1. Thank you! I pretty much live in hats here. Guess it's a good thing I was given a few trucker hats before I moved further south!

  7. Super cute, Chrissy! I swear this story sounded like one of my own. HA! Oh the things we a dog on a bone. (have you heard that saying😳) Love your hat too. I need to find a jumpsuit myself. I'd like one for the holidays, but then you need a jacket and yada-yada-yada. I guess we'll see if I find one I can't live without. Happy hump day! XO

    1. Oh yes, I've heard that saying! And thank you. I'm living in this hat and I think I'll be wearing this jumpsuit a few more times as well - haha! Hope you find that jumpsuit you can't live without. :)

  8. Great pictures Chrissy and I love the jumpsuit on you! The style is very classy, pretty and you look great in the straw hat. i have a small head, so hats arent always my friend! The New Day line at Target is one of my favorites. looking forward to hearing about your move.
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  9. You look fabulous... regardless of hair and brows and hurt foot! You look gorgeous! What a great jumpsuit! It suits you so well, and you styled it perfectly! The hat with the pinstripes in the jumpsuit almost give it a "40's gangster" throwback look - I love that! Just a bit of nod...very cool! And the jewelry is perfect with the shoes! Nobody would ever know you're going through such a stressful time like a major move - you are the Queen of Cool, my friend!


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